Buttock Lift
Buttock (Butt) Lift Surgery in Turkey
The butts are perhaps the most conspicuous, the most prominent figure in the female body. Long legs, a slim waist, a taut and flat abdomen, a steep hip that doesn’t owerflow to the sideways are the most important elements for a woman.
What is Butt Lift?
Excessive weight gain, genetic factors or gravity under the influence of deformation can couse sagging. The aim is to shape and lift the butt, to remove the excess fat in the basins, to trough and to thin the butt . Butt lift operations ,which have a great number of applications in recent years, can be oparated in different methods according to the patient.
Who are eligible?
Hip aesthetic procedures can be performed to all patients who are not satisfied with the shape of their butt. Patients often complain that their hip is flattened, low or very wide.
After Surgery and Healing Process
- After the operation, it is enough to stay in a hospital for one night.
- A special corset is worn immediately after the operation. It should be worn for 3-4 weeks to get the best result, to reduce the formation of the corset, edema and swelling.
- You may have difficulty in moving and also have bruising and pain after a few days of the operation. This is expected and is controlled by oral painkillers.
- Since all the techniques are not applied to the seating area, there is no problem in sitting. Only during the early period of surgery may be difficult to sit and stand.
- Post-operative edema and a small amount of bruising is expected. Edema and bruises, will decrease day by day and will disappear completely after the 4th week.
- There should be no heavy sports activities for the first two weeks after the operation. At the end of the second week all sports activities can be done.
- There are no sutures due to the use of self-melting sutures during surgery.
- Bathing can be started from the 3rd day after the operation
- The post-operative corset should be removed only during bathing for four weeks.
- The examinations are required after Butt enlargement operation. These are after 1 week, 1 month and 6 months after the operation date.
Butt Lift Surgery
The procedures include butt lifting, reducing the effects of excess weight and age on the inner and outer butts and tightening the skin of the butt. If there is no problem of sagging on the butts of the patient, butt lifting operation can be performed only by liposuction, fat injection or filling methods.
Fat Injections: The process of removing fat with cannula by laser liposuction from the base, the waist, the bottom and outside of the butt. The fat taken from the person is concentrated by special procedures and placed on the upper part of the butt. In this way, the hip gets plumped.
Butt Silicone: Silicone prostheses can be used in cases where the fat on the butt is not sufficient Prostheses are specially designed products for hips.
Butt Lift: The process of lifting the whole hip area by removing the skin from the bottom of the abdomen and on the top of the hip for the people experiencing weight loss and collapse in the skin. In patients with moderate to good skin quality, it may be sufficient just to inject fat tissue or apply prosthesis.
Butt Shrinkage and Damping: Large hips due to weight gain are shaped by liposuction method, which is removes fat from the hip area. Sometimes a very sagged hip can be surgically removed. Such patients usually are who have lost excess weight. Excessive skin and fat tissue in these hips are surgically removed, the fat mass from the inside is shaped and the suspension process is carried out.
Can butt enlargement, lift and shaping be performed to men?
Butt enlargement, lift and shaping operations can be performed to men just like women, In particular, men with small buttocks can undergo buttock enlargement operation at certain rates.