Fat Injection
Fat Injection Processing in Turkey
Fat injection is the process of injecting the fat taken from the body of the person with the help of cannulas into the desired area after a certain procedure. In this case, fats are made with the aim of replacing the volume loss in some parts of the body.
Which regions of the body are fats taken from?
The Fats to be used in this process can be taken from every region where the body’s fat ratio is high.
- Abdomen, waist
- Arms
- Hip area
This process can be done in a short time depending on the width of the treatment area under local anesthesia. Fat injections can also be performed in combination with some surgical operations. For example, when face lifting surgery is required to plump the cheekbones or to obtain a volume on the lips, fat injection can be performed during surgery.
In Which Areas are Fat Injections Used?
There are many areas of use of fat injections, but it is often used to relieve the body’s deformities due to frequent weight gain and frequent births. These; filling the lines descending from the nose to the lip called nasolabial, clarification of the cheekbones with the time or congenital origin, lips plump, etc. In addition, it can be used to increase the volume of the breast in some patients with breast tissue and to correct the shape of the hips.
Furhermore, fat injections can also be applied to some scars to cover it up.
Fats taken from the body for the purpose of Fat injection do not form thinning in that area.
Are Fat Injections Permanent?
Here, the retention rate is related to the amount of fat cells injected after a while. The more cells remain alive after the procedure, the greater the permanence of the injection. The survival of these cells also depends on the instruments used in the process, the technique and the way in which the fat is taken and the physiological state and age of the person.
10-40% of the fat applied to the fat continues to persist after 6-8 months. For this reason, if necessary, repetition of Fat injections may be necessary. The retention rate will be increased in every repeated Fat injection.
After the surgery
In order to minimize edema and swelling, ice application should be performed as long as the doctor recommends.
After the fat injection, a swelling and edema may be seen in the process area for the first few days. This swelling will decrease in a few weeks and the final form will be revealed. There is no bathing, feeding and movement restriction.
Fat injections are not a procedure that will affect a person’s daily life. The patient can return to daily life next day.
The cannula used for this procedure is not very thin. So a scar is not expected.
What is the Processing Time?
The duration of the Fat injection varies depending on the width of the area to be applied. For this reason, minimum 30 minutes to 1 hour. Since this is a lot of preparatory stage, even under local anesthesia, it is best to perform it under sterile conditions in the hospital environment.
Is it necessary to stay in hospital after the procedure?
This is not an operation that requires hospitalization when performed under local anesthesia. However, when combined with some operations and under general anesthesia, it may be necessary for the patient to stay in the hospital environment for the period suggested.
At Which Age Gynecomastia is Seen?
Although gynecomastia is often seen during adolescence, the problem of breast enlargement in men can occur at almost any age. In teenagers during puberty, hormone levels change over time. In adolescent males, if the testosterone level decreases and the estrogen level rises, the growth of breast tissue can be observed accordingly.Gynecomastia due to hormonal changes is a frequently observed condition in adolescent boys.
By time, hormone levels increas and the big breast look may disappears, but this situation, which occurs during adolescence, can cause serious stress and cause psychological disorders. As men age, they produce less testosterone. They’re also less active because their movement slows, and they tend to gain weight and have more body fat over time.
Therefore; These changes in hormone levels as more estrogen is produced in the body can lead to excessive breast tissue growth with aging.
Before The Operation
Approximately 5 days before the Operation, the patient should be informed about the medicine not to be taken . Also some blood tests and anesthesia control is needed.
The patient should inform the surgeon about his chronic disorders or medicine taken.
Prices for Leg Tightening
Leg tightening surgeries are usually combined with different body aesthetic operations. Even the leg tightening operation is the only operation performed during the surgery,the price varies depending on the method to be used, the severity of sagging, and whether liposuction is performed or not. The surgeon should share the necessary information about the procedure with the patient during the examination.