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+001236540256Neck Lift
Neck Lift Surgery
in Turkey
The loss of a young and healthy appearance on the face and neck is caused by various factors such as genetic factors, gravity, environmental conditions, frequent weight gain and loss, age and stress. Neck lift surgeries help create a tighter, smoother and more elegant appearance for the neck and chin.
Neck Lift Surgery
Even if no other changes are made to the face area, stretching a wrinkled or sagging neck can dramatically improve one’s appearance; this also helps the patient to look younger. A neck lift helps to restore the balance of facial features by providing a better jawline that frames the rest of the face.
Neck lift aesthetics is an operation aiming to fix and remove the sagging around the neck and the jowl area under the chin.
Neck lift surgery is a procedure performed on people who have wrinkles, sagging and loosening in the neck area due to aging, the effect of gravity, long exposure to sunlight and genetic factors.
Neck lift surgeries can be performed alone or can be cpmbined with other aesthetic operations. Since sagging on the neck skin is mostly due to aging, deformities in other parts of the face can be combined with the surgery. In this way, it is possible to obtain more satisfactory results.
If necessary, fat injections to the face, blepharoplasty, botox and fillers can be combined with face lift.
Preparation Before Neck Lift
As before any other surgeries, a detailed physical examination by the surgeon is essential before a neck lift surgery. The surgical technique should be explained to the patient in detail by the surgeon. In addition, patients should inform their doctor about the disease they have, the previous surgery, and the medications they use.
People who takes blood thinners and similar drugs should take a break before the surgery for a while under the doctor’s control in order to prevent problems such as bleeding during and after the surgery.
As in any operation that requires anesthesia, fasting is required at least 6 hours before the operation. The doctor should inform the patient how long the period should be before and after the surgery.
For neck and face lift surgeries, the age limit depends on the patient’s suitability for the surgery.
Anyone who does not have any health problems that prevent surgery can undergo the surgery.
Since smoking impairs blood flow, to aviod negative affects of smoking, the patient may take a break smoking in order to have a shorter and easier recovery process. For this reason, not smoking before and after the procedure is very important in terms of healing quality.
How is Performed Neck Lift?
Many factors such as aging and gravity, like all tissues, the subcutaneous muscle and fat tissues around the jowl area begin to sag down. During the surgery, the sagging and loose tissues are performed to achieve its former look. Neck lift surgery is performed with incisions starting from the front of the ear, under the earlobe, behind the ear, and then moving into the scalp or incisions made under the chin. Here, loose and reticulated structures and muscle tissue under the skin and on the muscle tissue are tightened by intervening, the skin is stretched to remove the excess skin and to reshape. In this way, a tight skin is achieved not only around the neck but also around the face.In addition, the neck area may look saggy due to excess fat on the jowl. The jowl liposuction procedure performed will lead to significant changes in the appearance of the neck area.
After the operation, tiny drainage devices are placed to prevent blood accumulation. The drainage devices are vital in order to prevent minor bleeding and leaks after the procedure and to maintain the quality of the healing period.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia for an average of 3 hours. 2 hours after the procedure, the patient should eat and get out of the bed as soon as possible.
After Neck Lift Operation
Drainage devices placed during surgery are usually removed 1-2 days after the surgery. The bandages should stay for one week after the surgery. After the surgery, there may be mild pain that can be tolarated with painkillers.
The healing process of bruises and swellings after surgery is related to the skin structure of the person. It generally lasts for 1 week, then gradually subsides and disappears. Applying ice is recommended for the time recommended by the doctor for the swelling to subside quickly.
Since the scars will be hidden behind the ear after the surgery, they are not very obvious. It becomes almost invisible in a period of 6-12 months.It is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the medications to be used after the procedure, taking care of the stiches etc.